

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Musings about getting more out of the Internet

There are some days which seem to occupy more time than others with just sitting on the computer and playing games or reading the news.

What if we started to change our existing habits of same old, same old?  That is to say we should shake up our thinking and confront our ways to be a bit more!  More what?  Well, education, sharing our life experiences, reading about others experiences, or delving into our families. 

This past year I reached out to existing family members who I discovered on and found many of them who had been close to each other, but not close to my immediate family.  How do we get them altogether?  That is where the Internet comes in.  We use this space to integrate our lives and share the things that have been going on about us with others.

Sometimes we have been so busy that we forget "to smell the roses," and old cliche, but oh so true.  We move along in our daily journeys and do not communicate enough with everyone.  It takes a few minutes out of our hectic schedules to just say howdy!

I am moving this Blog out further so that all family members can join in, comment what their thoughts are and share their thoughts.  Hopefully, it will catch on!

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